Full Body Beginner home workout pHASE 1B

Programme Instructions 

  • Inside this programme, you will find 'sets, reps and tempo'. Reps refers to how many times you perform each exercise consecutively - the number of repetitions you perform. Sets refers to how many times you will repeat that number of repetitions. Tempo refers to how fast or slow you perform the exercise on the eccentric (on the way back down). And lastly, Rest refers to wait in between your exercise sets.

    All exercises are labelled with letters and numbers such as A1, A2, etc., which will allow you to follow the programme with ease. Perform all 'A' exercises back to back for all reps and sets before moving on to 'B' exercises.

    Here’s a simple way to set up your training week going forward.

    Monday -Program 1A +10K steps

    Tuesday -Program 1B +10k steps

    Wednesday- Rest Day +10k steps

    Thursday -Program 1A +10k steps

    Friday -Program 1B + 10k steps

    Saturday- 10k steps

    Sunday - 10k steps

Warm up

  • Overview:

    A 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations (each side)

    B Forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles

    C 2 minutes jumping rope

    D 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise

    E 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise

    F 15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end

  • A 10 x Side Lying Clam (each side)

    B 10 x Single Leg Glute Bridge with 5-second hold (each leg)

    Repeat x3 times

A1 | bodyweight sPLIT SQUAT


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 4-0-1-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Stand in normal squat position keeping torso upright

    2-Take a deep breath, Eyes forward, chest up, Engage your core, and drive your knees out.

    3-Squat deep focusing on ripping floor apart throughout the movement.

    4-Pause at the bottom of the squat position, then imagine pushing your feet into the floor like a rocket going to space and standing up tall and proud, eyes forward.

    5-Repeat for given reps or time.

  • Assisted Split squats.

    Dropdown lunges

    Dumbbell split squats

    Step ups



REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Adapt a four-point kneeling stance, as per video.

    2-Engage core & maintain a neutral spine (as flat back as possible)

    3-Stretch opposite arm and leg out while contracting the glute and upper back before alternating.

    4-Take your time and don’t rush the movement for the given reps.

    Have hands outside shoulder width and feet out in wide stance

    5-Descend down until chest hits floor

    6-Press up externally rotate extending arm straight up squeezing the back at top

  • Full body push ups

    1/2 kneeling push ups

    Clap push ups

    Diamond push ups

    Wide arm push ups

B1 | BODYWEIGHT Glute Bridges


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 3-2-X-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Lay on the floor with feet position at 90-degree knee angle

    2-Maintain neutral spine and core engaged drive hips up

    3-Squeeze at the top before controlling down

B2 | pRONE y-t-w Raises


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 2-0-1-2

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • Y-Raise:

    1-Lay on the floor with arms positioned straight out at a 30-degree angle

    2-Elevated arms and focus on pulling shoulders. back and down

    3-Squeeze back in top position


    1-Lay on the floor with arms straight out to the side

    2-Elevated arms and focus on pulling shoulders. back and down

    3-Squeeze back in top position


    1-Lay on floor with arms bent

    2-Elevated arms and focus on pulling shoulders. back and down

    3-Squeeze back in top position

C1 | bodyweight Forward Lunges


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Starting in standing position step forward to lunge

    2-Slight lean forward progress front knee over toe

    3-Push back Keep chest & torso upright and repeat with the other leg and continue moving forwards.

  • Static lunges.

    Dumbbells Lunges

    Side lunges

    Courtesy lunges

    Forward lunges

C2 | Pike Push ups


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 3-0-2-1

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-On hands and feet in V position that is possible with your current flexibility and mobility allows

    2-Lower head to the floor

    3-Squeeze shoulders and press up

    If this exercise is very difficult do kneeling push-ups or full-body push-ups.

  • 1/2 kneeling push ups

    wide arm push ups

    full body push ups

d1 | side-plank hip abductions


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 2-0-1-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Lying on the side engage the core and neutral spine, deep breath in.

    2-Push hips up off the floor, by contracting glutes , open the hips away from the body.

    3-Hold at top and squeeze glutes

  • side lying hip abduction

d2 | Cross body V- ups


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 2-0-1-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Laying on the floor with arms above head and feet straight

    2 Engaging core pull opposite legs and arms together in V shape.

    3-Hold at the top and control down.

starting is the most important ingredient for your success!

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HOME PROGRAM 1A - Beginner

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